Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The One Big Tip You Are Looking For In Your Personal Development Journey

I just completed one of my 15 minutes interval workout and this idea suddenly popped in my head and I have to share it with you. I believe this is the one big tip that you need to know and totally understand it. It is the idea of conditioning.

First of all, what is conditioning?

Conditioning - Doing something consistently to cultivate desired behavior.

This is not the sexiest thing in your personal development journey, however this is the one big tip that will make all the difference in your life. Most people are always looking for the miracle or the silver bullet to help them change overnight, however things rarely change overnight, especially our mindset, habits and behaviors.

Engaging in personal development is the desire to change ourselves for the better and it means conditioning and fine-tuning our mindset, habits and behaviors to help us achieve the outcomes that we desired.

Conditioning is something that most people miss out because it isn’t something that catches our attention (and it is not sexy at all).

Look At An Example

What do you expect after one session of exercise? Do you expect to have life changing experience, feel healthy or look sexy?

One session of exercise cannot help you to change your body overnight. The only way your body can start to change is when you decide to exercise and condition it every single day.

You can look at all the examples around you. To learn how to play a new musical instrument, you have to condition yourself everyday to improve. To pick up a new language, you condition yourself by writing and speaking it every day.

Using Conditioning To Help You Achieve Your Goals

If there is any particular areas in your life that you want to improve, you have to condition yourself to improve on that area. This means that you have to take action every single day to improve yourself. The most common mistake is people don’t have the patience to condition themselves and they give up too soon. A few quick tries and failure will drive them back to their comfort zone.

To grow yourself, you have to decide what you want to improve on and take action everyday without fail to condition yourself to success. You don’t need any silver bullet or miracle for success, what you need is to be willing to put in the time and effort to condition yourself for success everyday without fail.

Your Task Today

Think about something you want to improve on and write them down in your journal or a piece of paper. It can be working on your health, body, financial aspect of your life or anything that you want to improve on.

Brainstorm about the things that you can start doing now to condition yourself to achieve your desired outcome. If you are working on your health, you have to condition yourselves to stay away from junk food so maybe your first goal should look something like avoid eating chocolates or fast food for 21 days.

Or if you are looking to get rid of the debts that you have, maybe you would want to list out all the debts you have and condition new habits to stop acquiring new debts and pay off your old debts bit by bit every month.

Don’t stay on the sideline and do just pure reading. Reading won’t get you anywhere near your goals, conditioning and taking action will. Go grab your journal now and I will talk to you again soon.


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